0800 298 7261
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm
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Carly Kennedy RHAD

Carly is one of Healthy Hearing's most senior Audiologist's. Carly started as a Hearing Healthcare Assistant working in one of the countries busiest hearing centres in the West Midlands. It didn't take too long before Carly qualified as Registered Hearing Aid Audiologist and became one of the most successful Audiologists in the hearing aid industry.

Carly is an infectiously happy and busy person. In work she never stops and is passionate about her clients hearing as well as they possibly can. Carly never gives up and will work tirelessly for her clients.

"I love what I do and it's so rewarding, I can't imagine doing anything else. Helping a client to hear well and enjoy life again gives me an amazing buzz".

It amazes us, but in her little precious spare time Carly teaches various different dance classes.