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Danish study finds hearing loss increases risk of Dementia

A recent major study, carried out by the University of Southern Denmark has found compelling evidence to suggest that Hearing Loss may have a direct link with Dementia. As well as it being one of the largest studies of its kind, it was also highly focused and presented some important findings that not only help us to understand the potential drivers of Dementia as a condition, but also ways to mitigate the risk of developing it in older age.

Why this study matters:

  • This study was carried out over 14 years, from 2003 and 2017.
  • Over half a million people were involved in this study, 573,088 to be specific.
  • All of the participants were over-50, where both Hearing Loss and Dementia become especially relevant.
  • Those who already presented with Dementia before the study were excluded, creating a clearer baseline to work with. Those with incomplete address information were also excluded for the same reason.
  • A specific focus was placed on Dementia and Hearing Loss, meaning the methodology and approach had these elements in mind. This was not a side-effect of other testing but instead was the core of the research.

What it found:

  • Those with Hearing Loss had up to a 13% high risk of developing Dementia compared to those with normal hearing.
  • Hearing Aids appeared to mitigate the risk, with 6% of Hearing Aid users developing Dementia.
  • Conversely, those with untreated hearing loss experienced a 20% higher risk of developing Dementia.


  • Hearing Loss should be treated seriously. Not only does it independently impact quality of life, but can also impact the development of serious, potentially life-threatening conditions later in life.
  • You shouldn't wait. Many people do not take the early signs of Hearing Loss seriously, instead adapting to the limitations it brings. Treating it quickly comes with the following benefits:
    • Better outcomes. The better your hearing, the more that Hearing Aids can do for you and the more your Audiologist can do to mitigate further Hearing Loss in future.
    • More options. As your Hearing Loss progresses, you may find that the number of effective Hearing Aid options changes. We want to ensure that your aids are right for you, and catching Hearing Loss early is essential in ensuring that you can access the full range of Hearing Aids currently on the market.
    • Lowering the risk of conditions like Dementia. Conditions like Hearing Loss and Dementia do not happen overnight. Catching the symptoms early and seeking treatment are essential in lowering the general risk to you in later life.
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